School Policy

School Policy

At PES Global School, we are committed to providing our students with a safe, supportive, and inclusive learning environment. To ensure that everyone in our school community has the opportunity to thrive and succeed, we have implemented a comprehensive set of policies that govern various aspects of school life. These policies reflect our core values and are designed to promote academic excellence, personal growth, and the well-being of all individuals within our school community.

We believe that a strong foundation of policies is essential for the success and well-being of our students. Our policies are regularly reviewed and updated to align with best practices, legal requirements, and the evolving needs of our school community. By adhering to these policies, we ensure that our students have the best possible educational experience—one that prepares them for a bright and successful future.


Academic Policies

We believe in fostering a culture of academic excellence and providing our students with the tools they need to succeed. Our academic policies encompass guidelines on grading systems, assessment methods, curriculum requirements, and academic support services. These policies aim to ensure fair and consistent evaluation of student performance, promote a well-rounded education, and provide resources for academic assistance when needed.


Attendance Policies

Regular attendance is crucial for student success. Our attendance policies outline expectations for student attendance, including rules for excused and unexcused absences, procedures for reporting absences, and consequences for excessive or unexplained absences. By emphasizing the importance of consistent attendance, we aim to maximize student learning opportunities and promote a sense of responsibility and accountability.


Discipline Policies

Maintaining a safe and respectful environment is of utmost importance to us. Our discipline policies provide guidelines for behavior expectations, conflict resolution, and addressing misconduct. These policies are designed to foster positive behavior, teach responsible decision-making, and ensure the well-being and dignity of every member of our school community.


Safety and Security Policies

We are committed to creating a safe and secure environment for all students, teachers, and staff members. Our safety and security policies include protocols for emergency situations, rules for visitors, procedures for preventing and addressing bullying or harassment, and guidelines for student transportation. These policies help us proactively address potential risks and ensure the physical and emotional well-being of everyone within our school premises.


Technology and Internet Policies

As technology plays an integral role in education, we have established policies regarding its use. Our technology and internet policies outline guidelines for responsible use of computers, the internet, social media, and other digital resources. These policies promote digital citizenship, protect student privacy, and ensure that technology is harnessed as a tool for learning and exploration.